Before you apply for a new trademark in Iran, you should search the database of trademarks to see if any similar trademark has already been registered for, that is similar to your trademark, used on related products or for related services and is alive(valid).
A trademark that meets all three criteria will prevent your trademark from being registered because it creates a likelihood of confusion.
Regarding this, we provide two methods for searching a trademark in Iran database:
Comment: Please beware that both search methods are free.
If the second method is difficult for you or you prefer to earn analytical information prepared by Rayan’s IP expert, you can fill the form below and press “Submit” button. Rayan’s experts will reply your search request within 12-24 hours.
Here we have an online search for trademarks in Iran. Please be informed that there are only registered TMs in this database and you will not find any application without final registration. As there has never been any translation of this page for foreign users by Iranian government or no one else so far, Rayan law firm has done it for foreigners to make the search easier. Working with this system is very convenient. Let’s search a new trademark in this database.
Now you will see the window below. This window is a kind of privacy policy. After reading, press “I Realized” button to enter the main search page. (Below picture)
Clicking Next button “Check the legal cases that lead to the rejection of the sign from here” gives you some information about laws leading to rejection to register a trademark in Iran.
In the ‘Advanced Information’ section in ‘Person Type’ field, you can select “True” for real persons and “Legal” for legal persons. (Picture below)
Notice: According to the statement by Iranian IP office, the result of this method of search will only guide you to the appropriate decision. Obviously this search is unofficial and is for guidance, before submitting the application, and the final decision will be taken by the office of Trademark registrar.
The Example:
We start with search trademark “iphone” word in mentioned database.
The results for “iphone” Trademark are as follows (Maybe more results):
By clicking on each search result, another window appears with details of information about that trademark such as Declaration number, Registration number, Registration date, Owner, International classes, goods and services and the description of mark. Picture below shows “iphone” trademark’s detailed information: