Mariam Isa Al-Khalifa Law Firm
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Our Law firm is based in the Kingdom of Bahrain and was established in 2004. At our Law firm we have set a high standards for erving the needs of clients in competence and professionalism.
Our firm was built upon a willingness to adapt to the marketplace and the initiative to strive for excellence. At Mariam Al-Khalifa’s Law Firm we practice all branches of Law, we specialize in Patents and Trademarks and Register Business Companies in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Our clients legal needs often include many different areas of law. We also practice Law in criminal and civil litigation as well as matrimonial causes (family and domestic conflicts).
We are proud to be partners with Allied IP Attorney, which are based in Dubai. Allied IP Attorney has a vast experience of attorneys in the field of Patents and Trade Marks.
Fax Number:
+973 17 214222
Established Year:
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